Monday, June 27, 2011

Flip Cup Playoff Party Pics - June 26, 2011

Five matchups of flipcup, and things get fun!

Let the flipping begin...

This round was close!
One flipper!
Drew M. - Pearls Gone Wild

Flip Cup Champions of the Universe - Spring 2011

Congratulations to the Austin NAKID flip cup champions of the universe, Pearls Gone Wild!!! Members from their team out-lasted and out-flipped their opponents to bring home the 4ft. tall trophy.

Kickball Champions of the Universe - Spring 2011

Congratulations to Lonestar Gators who are now the Austin NAKID kickball champions of the universe!! On Sunday, June 26th they emerged victorious after a 7 inning battle against Pearls Gone Wild. 


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Spring 2011- Playoff Weekend Info

The past 7 weeks of kickball & flipcup now come down to one weekend to define and crown our Spring 2011 champions!
Kickball Playoffs Sunday, June 26th, starting at 2pm
2pm: Orange versus Pink/White, Teal versus Blue
3pm: Winner of each of the prior games plays for championship
Flip Cup Championship Games
Sunday, June 26th, starting 5pm at the Gibson
Grab your nearest teammates to battle it out in flip cup for a trophy and 6 medals.  Immediately afterwards, we'll have an everyone-included King of the Table tournament for an oversized medal.  Winning players get free entry into next season (kickball or dodgeball).

End of the Season Party- Saturday, June 25th

FREE BUD LIGHT!   Our Spring End of Season party will be this Saturday, June 25th, from 4-10pm at the Gibson.  That will be 6 hours of FREE BEER (Bud Light bottles) for anyone signed up to play NAKID kickball this Spring season.  We will also have jello shots that we'll hand out every hour!
Feel free to bring a (non-NAKID) friend, too - it'll be just $10 for them to come and party!  Please RSVP! We need to know how many jello shots and good stuff to have available!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Party Pics from the Gibson- June 19th

Our Sponsored Bar! Thank you Gibson for your hospitality.

Multi-team Survivor Flip-cup

Hands up if you're down!

The championship comes down to 2 Pearls Gone Wild teammates-- Brandon & Lucas.

Brandon wins!!!
(Brandon fist pumps while Lucas feels the agony of defeat.)

Meet a NAKID in 5 Questions

Meet Wes!
1. What team do you play for?  "Brews on First!
2. What's your favorite position? "I prefer to pitch."
3. What's your cup size? "EXTRA-large"
4. Why did you join NAKID? "Because they're awesome people."
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  "Telekinesis!"

Meet a NAKID in 5 Questions

Meet Ryan!
1. What team do you play for?  "Sassy Classy Kicks Assy"
2. What's your favorite position? "Pitcher"
3. What's your cup size? "Tall and large!"
4. Why did you join NAKID? "My friends were."
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  "X-ray vision!"

June 19th Kickball Recap

The weather was hot and so were our players (in the sexy-sweaty way).  Here's a quick game recap:
  • Brews on First (blue) played a pick-up game against Sassy Classy Kicks Assy (pink)/Balls Deep (white)
  • Pearls Gone Wild (teal) beat Lonestar (orange) 11-4
Today was the last official game of the "regular" season.  Playoffs are next Sunday, June 26th!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meet a NAKID in 5 Questions

Meet Derek!
1. What team do you play for?  "Pearls Gone Willllld!"
2. What's your favorite position? "I do like doggie-style. But any position as long as I'm pitching, not catching."
3. What's your cup size? "Medium"
4. Why did you join NAKID? "It feels good."
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  "Fly!"  (at which the interviewer informed him that superpower was taken by Aubrie earlier, and he responds...) "Really? Cuz I just want to fly!"  Spread your wings Derek!
Derek A. - Pearls Gone Wild
He kicks wearing a camel back. He throws awesome parties. He will one day fly!

Meet a NAKID in 5 Questions

Meet Aubrie!
1. What team do you play for?  "Lonestar!"
2. What's your favorite position? "On top.  Uh...I mean catcher."
3. What's your cup size? "Solo. Blue!"
4. Why did you join NAKID? "Embrace being a winner!"
5. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?  "Flying! F%&$ing for sure! How cool would it be if I was just like 'see ya'!"  (as she demonstrated her flying technique of choice)
Aubrie F.  - Team Lonestar

Aubrie was also our June 12th Survivor Flip Cup Champion!

Party Pics from the Gibson- June 12th

Orange and Blue make friends!

They are sassy and classy!

Brews on First? They are!

These pearls have gone WILD!
Rehydrating and powering up after a hot game.

Drinks and Treats from Steven (Team Balls Deep- pictured in above image on far right).
He's a pretty popular guy with these!
The Suvivor Flip Cup Crew

If you have pictures from the games or the Gibson and would like them published, please email them to  We always welcome your comments and suggestions.

June 12th Kickball Recap

It was officially 104 degrees at 3:00pm at the South Austin Rec Center...but NAKID or not...we powered through the games. Here's a recap:
  • Brews on First (blue) beat Sassy Classy Kicks Assy (pink) 9-6.
  • Pearls Gone Wild (teal) beat Balls Deep (white) 15-4.
  • Props and thanks to Lonestar (orange) for reffing!

June 5th Games- Rained Out

Austin rarely sees summer rain...but when the NAKIDs gathered on Sunday, June 5th, the clouds let loose and ruined our chances for games.  Games back on Sunday, June 12th.